Monday, December 29, 2008

Thing 2

In my opinion. . .
  1. What makes a good blog?
    Posts that are to the point and not wordy just for the sake of being wordy. Pictures also help as many readers are also visual learners. I am not a fan of patterned backgrounds or annoying music playing in the background. If a blog hurts my eyes just to look at it I ususally don't take the time to stick around to read it.
  2. How do blogs enhance existing web sites?
    Many web sites have links to outside blogs which I have found make the web site seem more personal. It's a way for me to see how others who are interested in the same things I am are using our common interests in their lives. It is also a way for me to see how different people are who may be interested in the same something that I am. I always enjoy looking at blogs by teachers so I can see how they are using them in their teaching.
  3. Are blogs an easier way for people to self-publish?
    Yeah. Of course. Blogs are a way for anyone with access to the internet to get their ideas out there for the whole world to share. You can't get much easier than that.

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