Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thing 19

Tagging seems like a great way to sort through a lot of stuff. The more time I spend on the internet and especially since I started working through the 23 things I have found that the number of bookmarks on the computer is getting out of hand. I imported all of my laptops internet explorer bookmarks into my google account but the only real benefit to me is that I can access them both at home and at work. I still have more than 20 folders and I waste too much time digging around trying to remember where I left certain sites.
I think the obvious disadvantage of tagging is the time and effort needed to do it. The advantage is that once the time is put in up front to tag the sites it should pay off later when I don't have to search for things in all of my 20+ folders. As far as things to think about before assigning tags goes if I am going to try to use this as a way to share information with other teachers it will be important to tag things using the same terms that are already being used. I'm going to move on to Thing 20 now and get my account set up so I can move to the Web 2.0 way of bookmarking.

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