Monday, January 26, 2009

Thing 21

Here's my Twitter experience in a nutshell.
  1. Signed up a few months ago.
  2. Didn't see the point in it since it is the same as a facebook update. Since I have a ton of friends on facebook and only had 1 person to follow on Twitter I decided it wasn't worth the time or effort.
  3. Deleted my account.
  4. Found out I was going to need to learn more about Twitter for the 23 things.
  5. Reactiviated my account.
  6. Signed up to follow a bunch of really important techie teacher types.
  7. I still don't use it. I think I have updated my tweet 3 times total.
  8. Almost fell for a phishing scam for the first time in my life thanks to a fake direct message in twitter.
  9. Saw lots of great links on twitter updates and actually followed some of them. Even found a couple of neat things.
  10. Not sure if I want to keep the account or delete it. I only have so many hours in my day and I don't see this taking priority over the many other things I need to do everyday.

I see the value in some of the links that are posted by some of the people on twitter but when I did a twittersearch for "math" I got dozens of posts from kids (I'm assuming high school and college) complaining about how stupid their math teachers were and how much they hate math etc. Not something I need to spend any time on. I also wonder who has the time to be posting links to so may different things throughout the whole day. I found a list of 10 educators to follow on twitter and added them all. It looks like this is all they do with their time. I wonder when they are actually teaching. Maybe they are all technology teachers and get to spend their days in a computer lab with thier students actively engaged in idependent work. Not sure but there is no way I would be posting new and inovative links every 15 mintues to my online personal learning community. As far as use with students goes, it's not going to be an option in my district any time soons since I assume it will continue to be blocked for years to come. If the kids can't access it there is no reason for me to try to work it into my teaching.

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